Ductless Air Conditioning Toronto

Ductless Air Conditioning System Toronto

In older areas of Toronto, many homes are heated by hot water radiators and require a different solution for their air conditioning needs. One of the most effective and economical means of cooling an older home is by way of the ductless air conditioner. These units are much quieter than traditional air conditioning units, and use considerably less hydro than one might expect.

We’ve been installing ductless air conditioning systems for over a decade and, in many cases, they have proven to be more effective than central air conditioners. Our company has proudly served the older homes of central Toronto for over 60 years, and we have selected and installed hundreds of ductless units. Let us help you pick the right system for your particular needs.

Other applications for ductless air conditioning systems include: additions with no ducted cooling or heating, homes with electric baseboard heating, nursing homes, churches, store fronts, restaurants, computer rooms or other areas which require additional cooling.

We also offer Air Handler systems which is the alternative way of the ductless systems and will provide you with the same results. Ask our specialist for more details.

We are very confident in our products and services. Please let us know if we can provide you with a FREE estimate for your project at home or at work. Call us Today at: 647-557-2886.